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Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2013 angezeigt.

Matlab license w/o system variable

A network.lic-file has to be placed within the application folder \ licenses, in my case: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\licenses http://www.mathworks.nl/support/solutions/en/data/1-63ZIR6/index.html This license-file has the following format SERVER server_name hostid port# USE_SERVER http://www.mathworks.nl/support/solutions/en/data/1-99R6CN/index.html?solution=1-99R6CN where servername and host id can be found on the Flexlm Licenses Detail Website (Server: @ ) The host id seems to be the  volume serial number of the C:\ drive  (in cmd:> "vol c:" Volumeseriennummer (without the dash ) http://www.mathworks.nl/support/solutions/en/data/1-171PI/

migrating from kmail to thunderbird

While I gave up local mails and subordinated entirely to google meanwhile, my partner still wants to be independant and prefers local mails. Since KMail seemst to be wrecked, I have to migrate her mails to the old mbox format of thunderbird. This one-command-recipe worked for me. I replaced Archive/ by e.g. .kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/inbox and sarchive by sMBOXinbox . To import  MBOXinbox they simply have to be copied to   ~/.thunderbird/.....default/Mail/Local\ Folders . Converting Maildir to mbox via mutt Ran into an issue today where I needed to convert a Maildir containing over 50k messages to mbox format and couldn’t really find any good tools. So I found  this blog post  about using mutt to do it. Unfortunately, it converted one Maildir to another. =( One crucial piece is missing, so here is the one-liner in all its glory: $ mutt -f Archive/ -e 'set mbox_type=mbox; set confirmcreate=no; \ set delete=no; push "T.* ;sarchive "' The above convert...

prevent mythfrontend from restarting

Re: frontend restart script I think it's these lines in /usr/share/mythtv/mythfrontend.sh Code: until /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real --logfile "${MYTHFELOG}" ${MYTHFRONTEND_OPTS} RET=$? [ "$RET" = "0" -o "$RET" = "1" -o "$RET" = "254" ] do echo "Restarting mythfrontend.real..." >> "${MYTHFELOG}" notify-send -i info 'Restarting Frontend' "The front-end crashed unexpectedly (exit code $RET) and is restarting. Please wait..." 2>> "${MYTHFELOG}" done http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1799026