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ssh public key authentication:

This document assumes that you are using OpenSSH on the client and remote computers

1.Create a public and private key pair for the protocol you want to use. To create a key pair for use by SSH2, enter: ssh-keygen
the key generation program will create a private key in a file with the name you specified and a public key with the same name, plus a .pub extension.

2. Copy your public key to the remote host by entering:
scp ~/.ssh/filename.pub hostname:

3. Connect to the remote host using your password for authentication. If the authorized_keys file doesn't exist, create it with the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/.ssh touch ~/.ssh/authorized_key

On the remote host, add your public key to the authorized_keys file, with the following command:
cat ~/filename.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Schritte 2 und 3 können auch mit dem Befehl
ssh-copy-id (z.b. ssh-copy-id amilo)
bequem zusammengefasst werden.

To use ssh-agent and ssh-add, follow the steps below:

  1. At the Unix prompt, enter: eval $(ssh-agent)

  2. Enter the command: ssh-add
  3. Enter your private key password.

  4. When you log out, enter the command: kill $SSH_AGENT_PID To run this command automatically when you log out, place it in your .logout file (if you are using csh or tcsh) or your .bash_logout file (if you are using bash).

cited from: http://kb.iu.edu/data/aews.html and http://kb.iu.edu/data/aeww.html


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