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Bleen – Ein 3D-Hologramm-Projektor für Zuhause


BLEEN is the practical 3D Projection System that works without glasses or the need for other devices

The holographic television device is classified as optical television technology, specifically as television technology for recording and reproduction of 3D images. Gist: the device contains laser, object and reference channels, hologram forming unit and hologram reproducing unit with quantum amplifier being installed in the reference channel. During the video recording of the object,the latter is illuminated from object channel by laser radiation with the scanned phase center. The reflected radiation enters both hologram forming unit and reference channel, then amplified radiation as well enters the hologram forming unit where the formation of a holographic record of the object image is carried out on the intermediate frequency formed by radiation beats coming directly from an object and from the reference channel output
[...] Projection system: Laser units, Optical Focusing System, Image Projection System, Space-Time Light Modulator, Optical Hologram-Making Unit


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