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Magic Keyboard for ubuntu and windows10

My new keyboard - love it / kind of

I invested way to much time in search for a good keyboard...
Here me specs:
  • wireless
  • but if connected via usb it not only recharges, it also acts as usual usb keyboard (because: flightmode, bios, no bluetooth adapter, discharged,...)
  • small, ie. no num keypad, no block of scrup/down, etc. keys, 
  • but: with function keys and cursor keys
  • good mechanics, ie. no cheap china crap
I didn't find ANY good keyboard with these specs.
Either wired, or 60% keyboards without function or cursor keys, happy hacking were too far out on extreme reduction or gaming keyboards with fancy leds and nearly none with wireless +  wired options.

Close to giving up, last second I thought: I like the MacBook keyboards, maybe they have something fitting.

They have only two keyboards, one with, one without num.

...and they meet all my specs! They even excel at them. Super small, but standard key sizes, super flat, I like the feel and sound. Couldn't have been better.

... and maybe most astonishingly:
at similar prices compared to good quality keyboards like cherry! (mine cost 80€) 

Why is it, that apple gets things so often right and all other computer manufacturers get everything wrong???

BUT! I wouln't buy it again.

Because the support within windows and linux is poor / the encoding of the magic keyboard is non-standard:
  • < and ^ key are exchanged
  • Fn key doesn't work as modifier off the shelf but reduces brightness
  • Function keys don't act as those but do differen things
  • And of course the ordering of Ctrl/Fn/windows/Alt vs. fn/control/option/command is different
Nevertheless, I found ways to use it, not really satisfying for different reasons, but good enough.

(and most likely, I would buy it again, now that I found these soltuions, wouldn't give it away anymore)

Windows 10:

tried many tools, only one really worked fast and well:


But it comes at a cost...

Literally! 13.90€ ...

...per year!! For a keyboard driver!


But it does everything right. I need it for work and settled with it; with mixed feelings, though.

Linux / Ubuntu

I found a good guide at blog.mazdermind.de
  1. Set your Keyboard-Layout to one of the Mac-Variants. For me the right one is called German - (Macintosh, no dead keys) or German - (Macintosh) 
  2.  kernel module hid driver
    • echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/iso_layout
    • echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode
    • To persist these options, copy them into a modprobe-Config and regenerate initramfs:
      • echo 'options hid_apple fnmode=2 iso_layout=0 swap_opt_cmd=0' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf
      • sudo update-initramfs -u -k all  
And Gnome Tweak-Tool  


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